Cost control is a key element to remaining healthy and competitive. Our Data and Inventory Control Team is tasked with providing scheduled reports to our partners as well as ad-hoc reports when required. Each report is tailored to our partners unique needs and requirements.
These reports not only assist with cost control, they also enable partners to perform many accounting tasks within their own operation more efficiently such as cost center allocations, budget status updates, G/L posting job costing and more.
Our process is to analyze the data and identify patterns early, then investigate what is happening and fix issues immediately rather than deal with a problem after the fact. This methodology helps control your total cost of ownership and consumption.
Consigned inventory health is an area of intense focus for our Data and Inventory Control Team. Quarterly reviews are performed to ensure the consigned inventory remains healthy at our partners facilities.
For vending partners, we can provide even more granular reports identifying any overhead we have been asked to collect such as; item, department, employee, process or cost center, GL code etc. If we are asked to capture the data, we can report on it.